Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Love Boat

So the other night at work it was a bit slow and a few of the doctors were hanging out at our desk and the subject of, how shall I say it, the "interpersonal relations" on board the ship came up. Now I may have been a bit naive about the relations going on board the ship in that I knew they were going on but I had no idea to what extent. I was a bit surprised by what I had to learn.

So here's my Anne Landers style advice for anyone coming on board the ship

1- it's a small ship be aware that EVERYONE knows your business and nothing is private even when you think it is
2- please don't be the person that gets a reputation
3-PLEASE don't be the person who gets a nickname
4- don't be the cougar who's know for "initiating" the still teen aged crew members from partner nations
5- and please don't be the NGO group who have confused the ship with a frat house

because trust me when I say that once you have gone home you'd rather people talk about what a great nurse/doctor (or whatever) you were and NOT your reputation for "interpersonal relations".


Amy J. :)